The Institute for Participation and Education is a federal acknowledged but non-govermental , non-profit association and a recognized provider of child and youth welfare services.

Our objective is to promote and expand the scope of participation within child and youth welfare services, but also in schools and municipalities.

We develop, sample, study, communicate, and propagate appropriate methods of promoting democratic participation among children and young people.

Neue Bilderbücher

Heft 14 und 15 der Reihe „Leon und Jelena – Geschichten vom Mitbestimmen und Mitmachen im Kindergarten“ sind erschienen.

Qualifizierung von Multiplikator*innen für Partizipation in Kitas ausgeschrieben

Die AWO Bundesakademie startet im Oktober 2022 eine neue Qualifizierungsreihe.


The Nursery of Democracy

The “nursery of democracy“ initiated in 2002 in close collaboration with numerous daycare facilities, is a comprehensive concept concerning participatory democratic practice in early childhood education and daycare centers.

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Co-determination and participation in day care facilities

„Co-determination and participation in day care facilities“ is a concept to promote social engagement among children as part of the project „Young and Involved“ developed by the Bertelsmann Stiftung.


Democracy as part of residential care

„Democracy as part of residential care“ is a pilot project in the state of Schleswig-Holstein dealing with the topic of child and youth participation in fully- and semi-residential care settings.


Our activities

  • Initiation, development, supervision, consultation and implementation of research and pilot projects on participation within the various areas of child and youth welfare as well as in schools and local communities
  • Education and training of pedagogy practitioners and other adult individuals involved on how to promote participation competently and professionally
  • Publication of case reports, models and research results concerning participation among children and young people
  • Public policy initiatives to expand the scope of children and young people’s rights and opportunities afforded to them to participate
  • Cooperation with other organisations and institutions with similiar goals